
Agriculture M2M, Industry - Market 2016 Trend, Challenges, Analysis, Global Size, Growth,forecast 2019

"Global Agriculture M2M Market 2015-2019" The Report covers current Market Trends, Analysis, Forecast, Review, Share, Size, Growth, Effect.


About M2M agriculture
Mobile technology is leading to the creation of innovative services and applications that are used throughout the agricultural value chain to aid farmers in utilizing available resources efficiently. M2M applications enable farmers and agriculture businesses to monitor equipment, manage their crops, assess the environmental impact of production, and monitor the status of tractors, harvesters, and other vehicles. M2M applications also help farmers in making informed decisions and improve yields. Moreover, it contributes to increased transparency and efficiency within wider agricultural value chains.

Technavio's analysts forecast the global agriculture M2M market to grow at a CAGR of 43.78% over the period 2014-2019.

Covered in this report
The report covers the current scenario and the growth prospects of the global agriculture M2M market for the period of 2015-2019. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated for telecom service providers, agriculture fleet providers, and analytics solution providers through agriculture M2M applications. Arable farms used for various regular and seasonal crops and horticulture are included in the report. However, the report doesn't include raising livestock, for example, revenue from domestic animals raised for profit on farms, like cattle, sheep, or horses.

The report doesn't include raising livestock. For example, the report doesn't include revenue from domestic animals such as cattle, sheep or horses, raised for profit on farms.

Technavio's report, Global Agriculture M2M Market 2015-2019, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Americas, APAC, and EMEA; it also covers the landscape of the global agriculture M2M market and its growth prospects in the coming years. In addition, the report includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.

Key regions

Key vendors
Davis Instruments
Deere & Company
Telit Communications
Tyro Remotes
Valley Irrigation

Other prominent vendors
Orange Business Services

Market driver
Optimization of water consumption
For a full, detailed list, view our report

Market challenge
Rural network coverage patchy
For a full, detailed list, view our report

Market trend
Automated crop reporting
For a full, detailed list, view our report
