Analysis 2017 Wheelchair Medical Equipment Industrial Trend and Market Demand : Shares, Analysis, and Index, Bundle, Worldwide, 2006 to Current, Quarterly
Medical Equipment Markets Market Share Analysis: Market Shares,
Analysis, and Index, Bundle, Worldwide, 2006 to Current, Quarterly"
The Report covers current Industries Trends, Worldwide Analysis,
Global Forecast, Review, Share, Size, Growth, Effect.
Medical Equipment Markets are poised to achieve continuing growth as
the aging population needs homecare treatment. The homecare equipment
market consists primarily of wheelchairs, scooters, oxygen treatment
equipment, accessibility beds, lifts, and toilets. Homecare medical
equipment has until recently been sold primarily through
distributers. The impact of direct sales through the Internet has
brought about some distribution market consolidation, leading to a
decrease of in the number of distributers for homecare equipment.
With TOC @
the population ages, people are more frail and need assistance for
mobility. Wheelchair technology is evolving to give people with
disabilities more mobility. Mobility depends on a wheelchair that is
fit to purpose. Power and manual wheelchairs are bought depending on
the needs of the customers. Medical scooters are a growing segment of
mobility for the aging population, as they perform better in an
outdoor environment. Many issues impact the choice of a wheelchair,
including cost and reimbursement availability.
– Companies Profiled Include
- Invacare
- Pride Mobility Products Corp.
- Hoveround Corporation
- Permobil AB
- OttoBock Healthcare GmbH
- Sunrise Medical
- GF Health Products Inc.
- Merits Health Products Co. Ltd.
- Medort Group, MEYRA
- Medical Depot Inc.
- 21st Century Scientific, Inc.
- Permobil acquires ROHO
- Handicare
- Drive Medicals Ltd.
– Table
of Contents
Wheelchair Medical Equipment Markets Share
Analysis: Market Shares, Analysis, and Index, Worldwide, 2006 to
Current, Quarterly (each quarter)
– Table of Contents 1st worksheet
List of worksheets, graphs and presentation included in this file
List of worksheets, graphs and presentation included in this file
Market Share 2nd worksheet
Tables of yearly and quarterly market share revenue of each company in this sector
Tables of yearly and quarterly market share revenue of each company in this sector
– Chart Yearly 3rd worksheet
Graph of yearly market share revenue of each company in this sector
Graph of yearly market share revenue of each company in this sector
– Chart Quarterly 4th worksheet
Graph of quarterly market share revenue of each company in this sector
Graph of quarterly market share revenue of each company in this sector
– Market Analysis 5th worksheet
Text describing analysis of the market share revenue and market share index which discusses strengths and weakness of market participants
Text describing analysis of the market share revenue and market share index which discusses strengths and weakness of market participants
– Market Index 6th worksheet
Table and Graphs of yearly market share index which shows the percent growth of the companies since 2006. Table of quarterly market share index is also presented.
Table and Graphs of yearly market share index which shows the percent growth of the companies since 2006. Table of quarterly market share index is also presented.
Company Profiles 7th worksheet
Text describing the strengths and challenges of each company described in market segment.
Text describing the strengths and challenges of each company described in market segment.
– Market Forecast 8th worksheet
Table of yearly market share forecast in this sector from 2014 to 2022 with percentage growth rate.
Table of yearly market share forecast in this sector from 2014 to 2022 with percentage growth rate.
Chart Market Forecast 9th worksheet
Graph of yearly market share forecast in this sector from 2014 to 2022.
Graph of yearly market share forecast in this sector from 2014 to 2022.
– Market Unit Analysis 10th
Table of most recent quarterly and year end units shipped from each company.
Table of most recent quarterly and year end units shipped from each company.
– Market Unit Penetration Forecast 11th
Table of year end units installed, total market size by unit, and percent penetration forecast from 2015 to 2022.
Table of year end units installed, total market size by unit, and percent penetration forecast from 2015 to 2022.
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