Law Enforcement, First Responder, and Homeland Security Robots: Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2015 to 2021
"Law Enforcement, First Responder, and Homeland Security Robots: Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2015 to 2021" The Report covers current Market Trends, Analysis, Forecast, Review, Share, Size, Growth, Effect. Description- Next generation civilian security robot platforms leverage better materials, more sophisticated designs, software technology, and tablet remote controls to support high quality data gathering and communications in difficult situations. Bomb squads have need for better technology, more flexibility, better maneuverability. The robots answer those needs, they can be tuned to the specific activity in which they are being used, using modular systems. Platform robot modules are highly targeted to specific situations. Robots make police organizations more functional, improve security performance by allowing remote operation. The ability to use robots for law enforcement, first responder, and homeland security is a functi...