
The Robot Doctor Will See You Now-Patent Analysis and Business Opportunities of Medical Robots

"The Robot Doctor Will See You Now-Patent Analysis and Business Opportunities of Medical Robots" The Report covers current Industries Trends, Worldwide Analysis, Global Forecast, Review, Share, Size, Growth, Effect.


Medical robots are a cross-disciplinary endeavor to facilitate disease diagnosis, surgery, radiation therapy, rehabilitation, and telepresence diagnosis. This report uses patent mining techniques, comprising of text and data mining, to provide an overview of medical robot technologies, as well as an analysis of major vendors' patent deployment, including Intuitive Surgical, Siemens, Honda, and so on. Also included are the outlook for the worldwide medical robot market and opportunities for perspective entrants.

Table of Contents

1. Overview of Medical Robots
1.1 Diagnostic Systems
1.2 Robot-assisted Surgery and Therapy Robots
1.3 Rehabilitation Systems
1.4 Other Medical Robots

2. Data Mining of Medical Robot Patents
2.1 Patent Search Procedure
2.1.1 Selecting a Patent Database
2.1.2 Identifying Search Keywords
2.1.3 Data Selection
2.1.4 Data Analysis
2.2 Analysis of Technology Trends
2.2.1 Text Mining
2.2.2 Data Mining
2.2.3 Relative R&D Intensity
2.2.4 Results of Patent Index Analysis

3. Vendors' Patent Deployment Strategies

4. Outlook for the Medical Robot Market
MIC Perspective

Glossary of Terms
List of Companies

List of Table

Table 1 Medical Robot Product Categories
Table 2 Key Technology Fields Identified By Text Mining
Table 3 R&D Intensity of the Top 30 Patent Assignees
Table 4 Top 10 Medical Robot Patents
Table 5 Matrix Analysis of 10 Most Important Medical Robot Patents
Table 6 Important Assignees' Deployment in Medical Robot Technological Fields

List of Chart

Figure 1 Various Examples of Medical Robots
Figure 2 Search Flow for Medical Robot Patents
Figure 3 Medical Robot Patent Distribution Share by Sector
Figure 4 Medical Robot Patent Distribution Share by Field
Figure 5 Worldwide Medical Robot Market Sales Volume, 2011 - 2017
Figure 6 Medical Robot Sales Volume by Application Areas, 2011- 2017
Figure 7 Medical Robot Sales Volume by Regional Market, 2011 - 2013
Figure 8 Medical Robot Sales Value, 2011 - 2017
Figure 9 Medical Robot ASP, 2011 - 2017
Figure 10 Intuitive Surgical's Robots
