EpiCast Report: Bladder Cancer - Epidemiology Forecast to 2025 - Global Data
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Bladder Cancer |
Albany, New York, Mar 03, 2017
Report: Bladder Cancer - Epidemiology Forecast to 2025"
The Report covers current Industries Trends, Worldwide Analysis,
Global Forecast, Review, Share, Size, Growth, Effect.
Bladder cancer is a commonly diagnosed cancer and causes significant numbers of cancer deaths worldwide. The major risk factors for bladder cancer are exposure to smoking and occupational risk factors such as exposure to aromatic amines. These risk factors are more prevalent among men, which makes the disease significantly more common in men than women. The majority of bladder cancer cases are among older individuals, with the median age at diagnosis being 73 years; because of this, the comorbidities associated with bladder cancer are similar to conditions typically occurring in older age, and therefore are not specific to bladder cancer.
Bladder cancer is a commonly diagnosed cancer and causes significant numbers of cancer deaths worldwide. The major risk factors for bladder cancer are exposure to smoking and occupational risk factors such as exposure to aromatic amines. These risk factors are more prevalent among men, which makes the disease significantly more common in men than women. The majority of bladder cancer cases are among older individuals, with the median age at diagnosis being 73 years; because of this, the comorbidities associated with bladder cancer are similar to conditions typically occurring in older age, and therefore are not specific to bladder cancer.
GlobalData epidemiologists forecast that by 2025, the 7MM are expected to have 289,623 diagnosed incident cases of bladder cancer, representing a 23.5% increase from the number of incident cases in 2015 (234,581 incident cases). In 2015, the 7MM had 873,493 five-year diagnosed prevalent cases of bladder cancer and GlobalData epidemiologists forecast that by 2025, this number will grow to 1,094,707 five-year diagnosed prevalent cases at an Annual Growth Rate (AGR) of 2.53%.
This forecast is supported by at least 10 years of historical data obtained from country-specific studies published by the World Health Organizations (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the National Cancer Institutes (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program, the European Cancer Registrys fifth database registry (EUROCARE-5), the Center for Cancer Control and Information Services, National Cancer Center (CCCIS, NCC) in Japan, as well as country-specific cancer registries. Another major strength of this analysis is that GlobalData epidemiologists were able to forecast incident cases of bladder cancer in the 7MM by age, sex, and stage at diagnosis. Furthermore, the forecast methodology was consistent across all markets, thereby allowing for a meaningful global comparison.
** Scope
- The Bladder Cancer EpiCast Report provides an overview of the risk factors and global trends of bladder cancer in the 7MM (US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, and Japan). It includes a 10-year epidemiological forecast for the diagnosed incident cases of bladder cancer segmented by sex, age (beginning at 15 years and ending at =75 years), and cancer stage at diagnosis (stage 0, stage I, stage II, stage III, and stage IV), in addition to five-year diagnosed prevalent cases in these seven markets.
- The bladder cancer epidemiology report is written and developed by Masters- and PhD-level epidemiologists.
- The EpiCast Report is in-depth, high quality, transparent and market-driven, providing expert analysis of disease trends in the 7MM.
** Reasons to buy
The Bladder Cancer EpiCast report will allow you to -
- Develop business strategies by understanding the trends shaping and driving the global bladder cancer market.
- Quantify patient populations in the global bladder cancer market to improve product design, pricing, and launch plans.
- Organize sales and marketing efforts by identifying the age groups and sex that present the best opportunities for bladder cancer therapeutics in each of the markets covered.
- Identify the percentage of bladder cancer diagnosed incident cases by stage.
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