Influenza Vaccines Industry and Market studies & Forecast - Worldwide Analysis
Vaccines Market & Forecast - Worldwide Analysis"
The Report covers current Market Trends, Analysis, Forecast, Review,
Share, Size, Growth, Effect.
Influenza vaccines market represent an attractive market characterize
by sturdy growth prospects. Increasing awareness, growing vaccination
coverage in the emerging countries, rising government support for
immunization against Seasonal Influenza and increased focus on the
production of treatments for vulnerable populations by introducing
new vaccines and vaccines with a better route of administration are
the main drivers to galvanized Influenza vaccines market.
Influenza vaccines market has Billions US$ market in 2013. Seasonal
Influenza vaccines market is expected to grow with double digit
percentage from 2013 to 2019. On the other hand, H1N1 Influenza
vaccines market has seen tremendous growth during 2009 and 2010
primarily driven by the global spread of H1N1 Influenza virus.
However, strong demand of Influenza vaccines contracted in 2011 by
more than 50% due to waning threat of swine flu epidemic.
States remains the largest market for Seasonal Influenza vaccines.
Japan and emerging countries like China, India and Brazil is likely
to drive Influenza vaccines markets in the next 5 to 6 years.
Netherlands and United Kingdom have achieved greater vaccinations
In the major Seasonal Influenza vaccines sales segment, Fluzone
(Sanofi Pasteur) has the highest sales figures and likely to maintain
leadership position in the Seasonal Influenza vaccines market.
- Worldwide Influenza vaccines market (2009 - 2019)
- Worldwide Seasonal Influenza vaccines market has been covered from (2009 – 2019)
- Worldwide Swine Flu (H1N1) Influenza vaccines market has been covered from (2009 – 2011)
- Worldwide number of persons being vaccinated with Seasonal Influenza vaccines (2009 - 2019)
- Top 30 countries number of persons being vaccinated with Seasonal Influenza vaccines (2009 - 2019)
- Top 30 countries Seasonal Influenza vaccines market (2008 – 2019)
- Top Brands Seasonal Influenza vaccines (Fluarix/Flulaval, Afluria/Fluvax, FluMist/Fluenz, Influvac, Fluvirin / Flucelvax, Fluzone) Sales Performance & Forecast
- Top Merger & Acquisition deals in Influenza Vaccines Market
- Key drivers of growth in the Worldwide Influenza Vaccines Market
- Key challenges faces by Influenza Vaccines Market
the 30 Countries Studied in the Report are as Follows
- United States
- Japan
- China
- India
- Brazil
- Netherlands
- Germany
- France
- Italy
- Spain
- Denmark
- Sweden
- Portugal
- Luxembourg
- Lithuania
- United Kingdom
- Poland
- Norway
- Romania
- Estonia
- Finland
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Iceland
- Latvia
- Malta
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Australia
- New Zealand
6 Seasonal Influenza Vaccines Sales Performance Studied in the Report
are as Follows
- Fluarix / Flulaval
- Afluria/Fluvax
- FluMist/Fluenz
- Influvac
- Fluvirin / Flucelvax
- Fluzone
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